
Extended session files are files with the ending .cfg, where each line is treated according to the following spec:

  • Line 1: Session name
  • Line 2: Ignored, but required for backward compatibility
  • Line 3 ...: Argument line

Argument line

An argument line can contain any valid tmux command, same as one can enter them in shell directly (but without the leading tmux). Additionally the following strings will be replaced:

  • SESSION - will be replaced by the session name
  • TMWIN - will be replaced by the current window number. This number is internally increased every time an argument-line contains the string "new-window".

Full Shell expansion, that is both tilde and environment variables, is supported on argument lines. Details can be taken from the shellexpand rust crates documentation, but in short: ~ expands to the users homedir, $VAR and ${VAR} expand to the content of the variable VAR, and non-existing variables expand to an empty string.


Line numbers added for clarity in the description later, remove them if you copy this example!

1 simpleexample
3 new-session -d -s SESSION -n SESSION ssh -t localhost 'TERM=xterm sleep 90'
4 split-window -h -p 50 -d -t SESSION:TMWIN ssh -t localhost  'watch -n1 -d date -u'
5 split-window -v -p 70 -d -t SESSION:TMWIN ssh -t localhost  'TERM=xterm htop'
6 set-window-option -t SESSION:TMWIN automatic-rename off
7 set-window-option -t SESSION:TMWIN allow-rename off

This example will open a tmux session named simpleexample.

  • Line 1 is the session name
  • Line 2 is ignored
  • Line 3 opens a new session, with the name taken from Line 1. It will start ssh to localhost with a sleep 90 running in it.
  • Line 4 splits the window, horizontally, with a given size, running a watch on a date command.
  • Line 5 splits that window again, vertically, with a given size, opening a htop.
  • Line 6 disallows tmux to rename the session windows
  • Line 7 sets another option disabling renames

Generated 2023-08-14 04:39:44 +0000
v0.9.0 2023-08-14 04:39:10 +0000