
tm is a small helper/wrapper for tmux. It aims at making the creation and resume of sessions easier wile trying to stay out of the users way.


tm started as a bash shell script to ease my day-to-day work with tmux. While tmux itself is easy to work with (creating new sessions is simple) for simple tasks, it takes considerably more brain power to setup a session that opens connections to multiple hosts and sets tmux up in the way, that input is send to all of them at the same time.

And this being a task I need a lot of times every day, I do not want to do this manually, so tm was born. Back in 2010/2011 when I started working on it, there wasn't any (to me) useful tool I could have taken instead.


At some point in time I switched over from Shell to Rust, which brought a huge speed boost for tm. While the shell version always worked good enough and for most sessions one builds also fast enough, having a compiled binary still makes a difference. It is especially noticable on the sessions that open dozens (or even hundreds) of windows/panes.


tm offers simple ways to start new sessions using commandline, where it supports two styles of options - so-called traditional and getopt style. They are mostly identica, though some options only work in one and not the other way.

Config files

tm also offers different types of config files (called session files). From simple list of hostnames to files that ca include others to files that basically contain tmux commands to execute.

Generated 2023-08-14 04:39:44 +0000
v0.9.0 2023-08-14 04:39:10 +0000